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What's Included in this Course?

What Do You Get?

A Complete Micro-learning Program for your front-end sales staff!

  • 90+ Pages

    This program contains a workbook with over 90 pages; including sections to make notes, reading material, and roleplay activities.

  • 30+ Animated Scenarios

    This program contains multiple videos that showcase both the wrong and right things done in a certain scenario. Watch some sample in Section 2, given to preview for FREE.

  • 35+ Quizzes

    This program contains over 35 quizzes each created to reinforce the lesson point for each chapter. Try answering some of them in Section 2's Free Preview

What is this course?

  • Natural Selling Techniques

    It’s more about feelings than technique, aimed at creating a more natural and human approach to provide excellent service and exceptional shopping experience to all your customers.

  • Clearly Explained Concepts

    This program also defines and explains how employees can embody the required behaviors and learn about Non-Verbal and Verbal skills!

  • Globally Practiced

    The Tips and Techniques shared in this program are a result of over 30 years in Retail and is a compilation of the world’s best practices that have very high standards for Customer Service and Selling Skills.

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Introduction to the course

How is This Course Designed?

1. You will be seeing a scenario with a behavior that is not acceptable marked and “x” and “DON’T”

2. We have provided you with a workbook; you can make notes for yourself in each scenario.

3. THEN we will deliberate on the scenario and see what can be done in your store AND HOW WE CAN


4. Then we will watch an acceptable scenario or best practice scenario

5. THEN we will deliberate on the scenario and see what can be done in your store AND HOW YOU CAN


6. You will learn to identify the link between these behaviors and the sales results.

7. The workbook has a section of the typical sales results (total sales, conversion, IPT, )

As you practice each behavior and improve, you will see better sales results

The end of any sales training must result in productivity and sales and this Program ensures it, all you have to do is apply

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How to Use This Program?

Why is this course important?

Studying and putting to use the information presented in this manual will help build and reinforce a higher customer service standard and increase sales. You can use it :

  • To train and build selling skills in new customer sales associates

  • To Train the entire sales team

  • To build a development plan for an Store Manager and Assistant Manager

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Course Agenda

Course Content

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long is this course for?

    Students will get access to this course for 30 days, after which, they will have to renew his membership for this course.

  • Who should take this course?

    Anyone who is on the sales floor, training department, or managing team should avail of this course as it breaks down the entire way of presenting oneself to a customer in a store.

  • How much time should I spend for this course?

    There are several possible ways to schedule the Super Star Sales Program. What method you choose will depend a lot on your team, how independent they are, and how comfortable they are using the internet. We recommend 3 months / 12 weeks of training.

  • Will I lose my progress if I fail to renew my membership?

    All progress is tied to your account. You will not lose any progress in the course even after you are unenrolled and choose to re-enroll at a later time.

  • Do you offer group discounts or bulk purchases?

    Yes, we do! Please fill up the request form on the Contact Us page, linked at the top of this page.